View the 2024 Heroes Conference photo gallery here
2024 Conference of Heroes Thessaloniki
Dear Colleagues
On behalf of the Organized Committee, it is great honor to invite you in the 4th Conference of Hellenic – Romanian Society of Surgery “HEROES”. It is also privilege for us as members of the “HEROES” to continue the scientific tradition that was created almost 10 years before from Greek and Romanian surgeons, with the main concept to improve the quality of medical training and of the clinical practice.
In the present Conference round tables, special lectures, controversies of the different specialties of Surgery will be presented for three days from 23 to 25 May 2024. The beautiful city of Thessaloniki the capital of Northen Greece, it will be the city-congress providing the Greek hospitality, Mediterranean flavors and the fresh wind of the Aegean Sea.
2023 Conference of Heroes Craiova
It is our great pleasure and privilege to send you this formal official invitation letter to be our guest at the 3rd International HEROES Conference of Surgery organised by the Hellenic-Romanian Society of Surgery, Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences and University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova that will take place from 15 to 17 June, 2023.
We greatly appreciate your tremendous contribution in the field of surgery, and we would be very much honored if you would accept to share with us some of your experience and knowledge.
Mesajul Președintelui
Dragi colegi și membrii ai Societății Heleno-Române de Chirurgie “HEROES”, Aș dori să vă transmit un salut cordial de bun venit pe pagina web a Societății noastre, atât din partea mea cât și a Consiliului de Conducere și să vă asigur că angajamentul nostru inițial și dorința comună, este o asociere între medicii specialiști chirurgi din Grecia și România, în scopul creșterii ramndamentului și calității procesului de instruire medicală, precum și îmbunătățirea activităților strâns legate de spitalizarea bolnavilor cu intervenții chirurgicale…
2023 Craiova
The 3rd International HEROES Conference of Surgery organised by the Hellenic-Romanian Society of Surgery, Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences and University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova that will take place from 15 to 17 June, 2023.
2020 Ptolemaida
The Hellenic Professional Association of General Surgeons (HPAGS), in collaboration with the Hellenic Romanian Surgery Society (HEROES), are organizing the lnternational Congress of General Surgery within the framework of the 5th Panhellenic…
2019 Craiova
La Craiova a fost înființată Societatea Eleno-Română de Chirurgie. The first conference organized by this company takes place on November 28-30, in the Aula Magna of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova
Craiova, Romania
15th - 17th Iunie 2023
Accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 13 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).
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Until May 27th
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Dragi colegi,
It is our great pleasure and privilege to invite you at the 3rd International HEROES Conference of Surgery organised by the Hellenic-Romanian Society of Surgery, Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences and University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova that will take place from 15 to 17 June, 2023. Apreciem foarte mult contribuția dumneavoastră extraordinară în domeniul chirurgiei și am fi foarte onorați dacă ați accepta să ne împărtășiți o parte din experiența și cunoștințele dumneavoastră. Programul științific va ține cont de următoarele specialități:- Chirurgie generala
- Chirurgie plastică, reconstructivă și arsuri
- Chirurgie cardiacă
- Chirurgie vasculară
- Chirurgie ginecologică
- Urologie
- Neurochirurgie
- Chirurgie pediatrică
- Chirurgie toracică
- Operație ortopedică
- Chirurgie traumatică
- Chirurgie de transplant
- Radiologie
- Gastroenterologie
- Oncologie
- Patologie
Mesajul Președintelui
Dear Colleagues and Members of the Hellenic-Romanian Society of Surgery “HEROES”,
On behalf of the Board, I would like to welcome you to the website of our Society. Our primary aim is to bring specialized Greek and Romanian Surgeons together to cooperate for improving the quality of medical training and upgrading the hospitalization of surgical patients.
Our wish is for our website to become a channel of communication among colleagues contributing to the highly scientific training of our members with the organization of scientific events and educational activities with modern topics.
The Board and I personally invite you to embrace “HEROES” and play a leading role in our effort, so that the Hellenic-Romanian Society of Surgery can keep moving forward in a continuously and increasingly successful way.
Konstantinos G. Sapalidis
Președinte al Consiliului de Administrație