2020 Congres
Mesajul Președintelui
The Hellenic Professional Association of General Surgeons (HPAGS), in collaboration with the Hellenic Romanian Surgery Society (HEROES), are organizing the lnternational Congress of General Surgery within the framework of the 5th Panhellenic Congress of General Surgeons of Greece, that will be held on 25-27 September 2020 at the”Pantelidis Hotel” in Ptolemaida.
lt is a great pleasure to invite you to our Congress, during which we shall be able to eχchange ideas and have a constructive discussion on controversies in surgery.
Surgeons and physicians of other specialties with great clinical eχperience from Greece and abroad, will contribute to the full and comprehensive presentation of scientific subjects and the coordination of fruitful discussions.
Dear colleagues, as we are sure for the quality and the high level of the Congress, we hope that you will honor us with your presence and your active participation in Ptolemaida.
Yours sincerely,
The Presidents
Konstantinos G. Sapalidis
Associate Professor of Surgery School of Health Sciences School of Medicine, AUTH
Valeriu Surlin
Professor of Surgery Utv1F Craiova Romania
lsaak Kesisoglou
Professor of Surgery School of Health Sciences School of Medicine, AUTH
Nikolaos Roukounakis
Head of 1 st Surgical Department Έvangelismos” General Hospital Former President of the Hellenic Association of Endocrine Gland Surgery